
Is It Too Late To Start A Business?

Not at all. Becoming an entrepreneur is not about your age but whether you have the drive and creativity to make it happen. When I graduated from college, I had no idea how to really start a business so I ended up working in a cubicle at a dead-end job.

My Interview On SeniorLevel

Not too long ago I was interviewed for a project managed by University of Montana students. Their goal is to inspire and inform young minds through the lessons learned by leaders in business and life! I had a great time giving some insight on what I do and hopefully helped inspire others out there to achieve their dreams!

Crush Negativity And Focus On Good

If you watch the news, movies, spend hours on the internet, read the average magazine or get caught up on Facebook posts, the world can seem like a horrible place. In fact, so much vitriol, hate and negativity seems to permeate all of these places.

10 Things You Need Remember To Succeed In Life

Let’s face it. There are times you might feel like life is not going your way. You might be having a hard time getting on track. Don’t worry! It happens to all of us, but it’s through the difficult times you learn, grow and make the decisions that can push you on a path to success and positive results. The key is not staying stuck. The key is building positive momentum, even if you don’t see immediate results.

Keep Swinging In Life, You're Never Out Of The Game!

Last month, like many sports fans, I was tuned in watching the final round of the Master’s golf tournament to see if Tiger Woods could pull off a win and achieve a huge comeback in his career. For those of you who are not dialed in, the story may not resonate but for those of you who have followed his career and know his story, it was pretty exciting!

Go On Offense With Your Life!

As an athlete at heart, I often look at business, life and success through the lens of sports. 

You can either live your life on Offense or Defense. You can be moving forward, taking chances and seeking out positive results or you can find yourself perpetually on the defensive where you’re stuck in a mindset of always defending, guarding and hunkering down. 

6 Stoic Tips To Better Your Life

When you’re feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed, it’s easy to think you’re fighting this battle alone and nobody has ever felt that way. We’ve all been there at one time or another but I’m here to tell you that a source of inspiration can be found by taking a look to antiquity.