
That's right.... some clients are simply unsellable. 

You're working hard, trying to build your business and you're out pitching to prospects. Inevitably you are going to hit some tough customers. Ones who aren't merely difficult, they are looking to make sure you don't get the business because they have their own agenda. 

These people are simply unsellable.

I've been there.

You have a great product, great service, great solution....but, your prospect is dug in. They simply aren't the right fit. You tried to overcome every objection, every insult they threw at you and even came up with compelling counter offers and closing attempts.

They aren't buying.

Why you must ask?

Because they are unsellable. They've already decided to settle. They settled for less. Maybe they have a friend or two who offer the same thing you do. You often can't beat relationships. So, did you fail? No. They were simply unsellable.

I'm a big believer in pushing hard to win a client or prospect but there are times when you're going to be up against a rock solid wall. Don't keep hitting your head against it. Once you find out the prospect is unsellable you have to cut them loose and move on…but monitor.

Their loss and your win because you are free to go build your sales pipleline even bigger. Let them bask in the mediocrity of their decision. Don't waste another thought on them personally. Just remember, they may lose their job some day or decide to leave the company so keep monitoring the prospect and keep them on your marketing list. Once that person leaves, the account is likely up for grabs and you could win it in the future!

The key to winning in sales is getting massive attention, having a great product or service, following up over and over in an upbeat positive way and bring your enthusiasm! 

Go out there and win! -  EB