Feeling Better Than Ever

I see posts and articles from men in their late 30’s and early 40’s talking about how “old” they feel. They opine about their “younger” days and how they now are stuck feeling achy and sore. Common complaints include back pain, worn out knees and a beer belly. I see it all the time. Much of this is premature aging due to excessive alcohol, poor diet, late nights and trying to party like they are in college. Little did they know that all the things they thought made them popular was a fast ticket on the aging train. Sure, I got laughed at in college and made fun of for not drinking but those who laughed are likely not too happy their fitness is in the tank. Much of health is about simply eating good, staying active and sleeping. We hear the same things over and over but it’s true. Most though, want the easy path that allows for the ability to indulge in bad habits while trying to get fit. Unfortunately it just doesn’t work that way.

I’m 51 years old and I feel much younger and better than ever.! My latest blood tests even showed testosterone levels of 750 ( UPDATE DECEMBER 2022. See below. I retested my testosterone and it came in at 829 ! The best ever. ) and my CRP was 0.30, all naturally. Yes, that’s right. Solid testosterone levels and super low levels of inflammation.

Old in your 30’s? I don’t want to hear any excuses. When I was younger my inspiration were people like Jack LaLanne in this picture below who told me to keep up my workouts always! My goal is to be active and fit to 100.

Am I doing something magical? No, I keep it simple.

Now keep in mind, I’m not giving anybody any advice, I’m simply telling you my anecdotal story of what works for me. So here’s what I personally do at a high level to stay fit and feel better than ever.

Newly tested December 2022

  1. I don’t drink alcohol.

  2. I don’t smoke.

  3. I don’t take drugs.

  4. I have a morning routine in which I take an array of supplements & vitamins along with a cup of coffee and light cream.

  5. I do a daily routine that includes 5 minutes on a balance board, 15 minutes of red-light therapy and 5 minutes of foam rolling.

  6. Strength training 5 times a week. Much of my work is kettlebells, FitFighter Steelhose and bodyweight exercises. I’ve gained more muscle using these tools than when I lifted heavy weights.

  7. Walk 6 times a week. ( Swim 3 times a week in summer )

  8. Get 10 to 15 minutes of sun per day.

  9. Try to get good sleep every night.

  10. Eat steak, red meat and try to limit excess junk carbohydrates.

  11. Focus on the spiritual and mental side. ( one of the most overlooked areas )

There’s no way to be perfect all the time but my goal is to be consistent at least 80%. Consistency is key and goes a long long way toward success.