Character And Integrity

Here's something that I think we can all relate to: dealing with difficult or dishonest people. We've all met those people who seem willing to do anything or run over anyone in their path. They will lie, cheat and steal to further their agenda. They could be a dishonest business partner, a rude coworker, or even someone sarcastic you come across at the grocery store. You just never know when you’ll encounter them.

But here's the thing: we don't have to give these people control over us. We can't let their bad actions change how we feel about life. It's important to remember that people like this are everywhere. It's just reality. We can't be ignorant about it but we need to be ready for them.

Marcus Aurelius, the ancient Roman emperor and stoic scholar, said in his writings Meditations, "When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they cannot tell good from evil." While the vast majority of the people you meet aren't like this, you can't be naive to this and set yourself up to be taken advantage of. The most important thing is to simply be aware and alert to reality.

The key is to not let negative people change the essence of who we are. No matter what is going on, we need to keep our minds on the good in others and how we can be a source of light and happiness. Even when it's hard, we need to do our best to be kind, caring, and patient. But also not become a target of those who don't operate with integrity and honesty.

Remember that you have the power to rise above this, no matter when you encounter. Keep your attention on the good in others and in yourself, and let that be your leading light. You are strong and smart, and you can handle anything that gets in your way. Let's go out into the world and show what we can do!