The Power Of Mentors

It’s easy when we’re young to think we know it all. When we become older, we often realize what value a mentor can have in our life. It can be a teacher, a parent, a friend, or someone who has been down the road you’re looking to travel. These relationships can help propel you faster toward your goals and help you avoid some major mistakes.

You really can’t put a price on the value of a mentor.

It is such a huge advantage to have access to people who’ve “been there and done that.” You can learn so much from them and gain so much knowledge.

Having a mentor who has already accomplished great things can quickly accelerate your growth to new heights! In many ways, they can catapult you past many of the failures you’d encounter without their help. They can lay a roadmap for you to follow, and as Tony Robbins has said, “Success does leave clues.”

Instead of excessive trial and error, look for a mentor, friend, or family member with a lot of experience. Let them help you out and gain some advice. 

Welcoming valuable insights is a trait of someone who wants to be a winner.

Seek out valuable lessons to accelerate your learning and career – This is another way to learn without setting foot in a classroom.

Remember, mentors can be anyone around you. Seek them out and ask for their help. Their knowledge is often more valuable than any you’d gain from a college or university.

There’s no denying that mirroring successful people's positive traits can get you moving in the right direction, but each person has their own method. Ultimately you have to take bits and pieces and put them together to make your own unique formula.

Observe, analyze, and find what ingredients or factors that will work best in your situation.

Don’t be afraid to make it your own.

Don’t shy away from learning from someone else’s mistakes as well as someone else’s triumphs.

Successful people know how to use available resources to their advantage. They know there is nothing wrong with taking the intelligent way to advance.

There is nothing wrong with being weak in certain areas. Everyone has specific strengths and weaknesses.

The fact is you are not going to be great at everything.

Don’t listen to people who say that you should focus on your strengths and ignore your weaknesses or that you should hide your shortcomings where they can’t be seen.

Real growth comes from knowing your weaknesses and evolving them into strengths.

Weaknesses can be turned into strengths by working with the right people. For example, you can easily augment your weaknesses in a business setting by hiring people to do things you are not great at.

What if you need to improve at designing or planning an event or some other project? The right professionals can be tapped to fill in the gaps. You can augment your weaknesses by hiring people to do tasks you are not efficient at completing. At the same time, these individuals can assemble high-performing teams, play to everyone’s strengths, and fill in the spaces where you or others are weaker. Knowing how to do this is a talent in itself. Winners and true leaders are willing and open to learning from others with different areas of expertise.