How Do You Stay Strong During Uncertain Times?

This is a question many entrepreneurs and business owners have been struggling with for most of 2020. For some businesses, they have little or no option but to remain closed or operate at limited capacity. 

It depends on the business, type of company and so many other factors that may be out of one’s control.


So, what can you do? I look at it this way – in challenging times, you have to take on a mindset and understanding that things are happening that are much bigger than us and any attempt to control the situation is a waste of energy. I’m not saying simply sit back, what I’m saying is that you have to reframe your outlook.

 Even the ancient philosophers understood we can’t control everything.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”  - Marcus Aurelius

 Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. — Epictetus

So, consider their thoughts and embrace the mindset that you can only control your actions. 

Sure, emotion, frustration and worry will surface. Acknowledge it, then move on to what you can do to set yourself up for success. I’m a big believer that you can find the positive in any situation.

Here are five questions I ask myself:


1.   Is there something actionable I can do to move my company forward? Can I develop a plan or strategy and creative ways to adapt?

2.   What can I do to lift up others around me?

3.   Can I be an inspiration and light of positivity for others around me?

4.   What new skill can I learn?

5.   How can I expand my network and meet new people, even virtually?


I hope this inspires you or nudges you in a new direction. Use this uncertain time to take positive action that will set the stage for a brighter future.