Is It True Entrepreneurs Get Little Sleep?

I’ve been asked this question many times. See, there’s the myth out there of the driven entrepreneur that grinds away into the late hours of the night and early morning. It may sound admirable and it makes for great stories that talk about hard work and grinding to succeed, but in the long run it’s not good for your health. How would I know? I’ve done it!


I’ve put in many late nights working on little sleep and being in a constantly tired state. Did it help move my company forward? Sure, it helped me work harder to get things done but it was only for a limited time. I never made it a habit then nor I do today.

Your primary goal, first and foremost should be to take care of your health. In fact it’s much, much better to get a lot of sleep, take a nap when you need to and operate fully rested. You’ll bring more energy to everything you do, you’ll think faster, more clearly and you’ll be much healthier. I know it may seem counterintuitive that the popular image of relentless grinding to succeed, but rest is vital to pushing your company ahead.

Don’t get drawn into the hype and mythology of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. The reality is much different. Take my advice, never sacrifice your health, it’s not worth it.