Want Fast Results? Change Your Mindset.

If you spend any amount of time on the internet you’ll see fairly quickly that “overnight” success is what catches the eyes of many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Achieving goals and making huge progress fast is what we all want. That’s right, everyone dreams of overnight success but reality is much much different.

So how can you get amazing results fast?

See, the hidden secret is actually so simple. You have to slow down a bit and change your mindset. To make massive forward progress you have to focus on the small wins! It’s by chunking together small efforts and little victories, connecting and building upon them.

Sounds boring? Sure, but that’s how winning is done. Ask anyone who is successful and you’ll find out what seems fast to others is actually steady forward action.

Even though it seems counterintuitive to popular culture, this one big mental mindset change of focusing on small wins can actually speed up your path to success.

A lot of times people think they can take one big “action” or make a certain decision and their results will appear in no time. This mindset is looking for the easy way or the proverbial “silver bullet”. Unfortunately the path to success is messy, rough and never a straight one.


Everyone’s road is different. The formula that might work for me won’t work for you. Achieving your goals is truly a unique recipe of hard work, effort, knowledge, skill, timing and luck. Yes, luck does play a part regardless of what others might tell you.

So what can you do?

Focus on your goals but focus even more on the small wins. Every little success you have whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly. Make each one count! Your mission is to set yourself up with the best opportunity for success. You have to do the work.

You add a new client, you walk for 30 minutes, you make ten phone calls, you gain a new skill, you read a chapter in a book. Each step moves you along to the next guidepost. Just do your best and enjoy each little step. Every step counts!

Trying to tackle a huge goal can seem insurmountable by itself. If I told you to walk 45 miles you’d probably think it’s impossible. Walking 30 minutes a day for a month isn’t. Before you know it, in a month you will have walked 15 hours or nearly 45 miles and you’ll be that much more healthy. It all adds up.

Read a chapter a day and a whole book is finished in less than two weeks!

This mentality helped me grow my business into an amazing company but it didn’t happen overnight. It all began by adding a client here and then another there. Little by little and suddenly over time you see progress. 

I used the same method to complete many long distance triathlons, marathons and open ocean swims. My goal was just to make it to the next aid station or even the next telephone pole in the distance. 

If you can look at goals and break them into bite size chunks, you will often find that the victory is truly in the journey. That’s where each little success adds up and delivers you the bigger win! That’s what looks like “overnight” success is in another’s eyes.