Be A Producer – Not A Consumer

We’re all consumers to some degree. It’s unavoidable and it’s not all bad. We eat food others grow and purchase products that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. However, if your primary focus is watching TV, eating fast food, playing video games and consuming pop culture all day - you’re predominantly a consumer. These producers profit from this kind of consumption.

Becoming a producer of positive things in one’s life takes time, hard work and effort. But, it also puts you in a place to add value to others. Don’t be a lemming and instead lead by creating and producing value. Bring value to what you do.

We all fall victim to it. Modern technology encourages endless binging on social media or seeing what’s trending on feeds. Here’s a quick tip. Begin your day with a producer mindset and begin tackling items that will advance your personal growth. They can be small items. Do this before you begin any “consumer” activities. If you have this “producer first” mindset, you’ll less likely fall into the trap of mindless consumerism. As a society, we’ve become far too comfortable clicking the “Follow” button. Now is your chance to click the “Lead” button.