Get Uncomfortable To Grow

In order to grow, step up in life and do what makes you feel uncomfortable

Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to sing but are too embarrassed. If you become anxious at the thought of ever trying to sing in public, do something about it! Take vocal lessons, practice at home, sing for a few close friends on a zoom call – anything where you challenge yourself and help overcome your fears.

For me personally, I’m attempting to play guitar and while I’m still learning, often I’ll try out songs for my wife. While I mess up a lot, I just make sure to have fun with it. It’s okay to not be good at something when you’re out of your element.

Try new things where you’ll feel nervous and have some difficulty. Learning a new language, playing an instrument, or taking up a new sport. You’ll be breaking down the barriers that hold you back. That’s how progress is made.


Because when youre uncomfortable and you achieve little victories, they add up and suddenly the confidence you were looking for will emerge.

Some people who fear heights take up skydiving to hit that uncomfortableness head on. You don’t have to go to that level, but you can do something that challenges yourself or just take baby steps; but remember moving forward requires that action be taken! It’s the effort made when feeling ill at ease and uncomfortable that propels you to success in other areas of your life.

In life, growth happens when you push yourself beyond what you think you’re capable of. It’s the effort that you make when you’re uncomfortable that makes you stronger in so many other areas of your life. 

Remember, each fear you face down makes you stronger. Every little victory is a building block of confidence.

In baseball when you hit the ball over the fence, it’s a home run. 

If you swing for the upper deck, sure the ball may not end up there but if it lands over the fence, it’s still a home run. You’re a winner either way. 

So go big in life and aim for the momentous goals. If you end up a little short, so what! You’re still powering ahead as a winner inside.

A home run is a home run no matter what. Think big in life.

By doing so, you’ll still end up successful even if you don’t achieve your exact goal or dream. As the saying goes, shoot for the moon and even if you miss you’ll land among the stars. That’s how you should approach life to be successful no matter what.

A costly mistake some people make in their lives is they dont set goals. 

They don’t think big! They’re afraid of going after their dreams and are stuck wallowing in a mindset where they blame others, make excuses, and find ways not to try.  

If you think big and dream big, you’ll achieve something amazing.

It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter fear, doubt, and stress on your way to becoming successful. Just know that it’s how you deal with challenges that will determine your future.

Fear is normal. 

Experiencing fear is going to happen no matter what. The trick is not to let it stop you or get a grip on your life. 

A lot of people tend to quit, procrastinate, or find ways to stop when they come face-to-face with fear. They find reasons to delay taking action.

That’s not how winners think.

To be a winner, you have to learn to place negative emotions aside and focus on the ultimate goal. Train yourself to push back fear and embrace discomfort. Once you understand this, it will be easier to think positive and move mountains of doubt out of your way.