Don’t Waste Time Trying Impress Others

One sure way of spinning your wheels is living your life seeking the approval of people who in reality don’t even care about you.

We live in a time when celebrities, pop culture icons and fake social media influencers are worshipped by the masses who scroll endlessly through their timelines wanting to see who is one upping the other. 

The thing is just because everybody is seemingly caught up trying to impress and outdo each other doesn’t mean you have to buy into it all.

Remember that it is entirely up to you to break free from the nonsense and focus on what’s important in life. 

Try not to get stuck emulating the life of some celebrity, trying to impress other people, and worshipping fake empty lifestyles when you can focus on what TRULY matters.

Much of what you see in the world of social media is simply catered and crafted posts to create an image. Often one that’s highly enhanced. We see this all over social media where people live a make-believe life trying to get the attention of other people who don’t even care about them. All in the pursuit of likes, fame and acceptance. 

Now being liked and accepted is natural and fine, but when it mutates into an obsession and it takes over your life, it can wreak havoc. So many people are living under massive stress and suffer huge disappointments in the quest for social “acceptance” of others who don’t even notice them.

“A life of wealth and many belongings is only a means to happiness. Honor, power and success cannot be happiness because they depend on the whims of others, and happiness should be self-contained, complete in itself”  - Aristotle 

Forget about all that and focus on the things that matter. Focus on your personal mission so you can set yourself up to be a winner in REAL life. 

Stay away from things that make you feel like you have to impress people. Instead, get involved in things that bring you closer to your real life goals. 

Learning to ignore other’s opinions is a skill you must learn if you truly want to succeed in life, especially those who seek to hold you back.

Keep in mind that it is not necessary to impress others and that no matter how successful you’ve become, there will always be people who will make fun of you. As they say, you have to ignore the haters!

It’s great to be different and not follow the herd.

When you find yourself trying to “fit in” where you don’t feel comfortable, stop and ask yourself whether you are on the right path.