Does Education Determine Your Success In Life?

No. going to school itself doesn't.

What school does teach you are tools to learn. Education is a lifelong endeavor and one that never stops. There is no finish line.


Some people are good at the school's "organized" format, do well, and get good grades. Others don't thrive in this environment, but it doesn't mean they won't succeed in life. I know people who were great in school but never accomplished much later; all the while, some who could have done better, became great success stories.

Success in life is much more than school, college, or a degree. It can help set you up for success, but what is more important is your inner drive to learn and grow. Your knowledge can and should keep expanding far beyond the classroom.

Your success in life comes from passion, energy, and perseverance. Whether you do well in school is not the final determination of your success in life.

It's never too late.

While I feel like I did well in school overall and have a college degree, there is very little I learned in college or any classroom that helped me become a successful entrepreneur in the real world.

I learned most through athletics ( leadership, teamwork, hard work ) and self-study on my own. I had to do the work outside of any class. Remember, you have to take control of your education.